Sunday, March 25, 2018

Let us go to the sugar camp!

Let us go to the sugar camp, 
while the snow lies on the ground. 
Live in a birch bark wigwam, 
cut a notch in the maple tree, 
Set a pail on the ground below. 
Soon the sap will be flowww-ing. 
Make a fire in the sugar lodge, 
so that we may boil the sap. 
Bring out the wooden ladle....yummmm. 
In the snow see the rabbit tracks, 
hear the call of the chickadee-dee-dee. 
Do not stop to follow them...
Tis the season of the sugar camp, 
tis the season of the sugar camp! 

The sap is running at Wrens Nest & we have a day of maple magic in store! 

A beautiful sunny morning taking advantage of the new light....

I would like a rainbow casting tower on my house! 

Thank you to MAISIE for your wonderful PAINTED TURTLE presentation!! Through costume and with props and the help of friends, Maisie taught us about the life cycle of the painted turtle. Our favorite was learning about how the painted turtle loves to bask in the sun to get warm, because we do to! 
-I have video of Maisie's presentation, but am having trouble uploading it here! Hopefully to follow soon!-

Thank you mystery March for delivering more of this snow that we love so much!! We can dig tunnels, build snow men, climb and jump, and sled endlessly, so bring it on. 

After a very busy morning of moving our bodies, it was off to our maple tree! First we had to measure. A sugar maple should be at least 48 inches around to be tapped, so we measured...will this one work?

What about this one?


Thank you, thank you to Amaya's dad Ben who lent us his hand drill!! It was a bit tricky and the old power drill did help out a bit but we all took turns turning the hand drill watching the pulp stream out.  Maple magic indeed! 

We hammered in our tap and then everyone got to have a taste of the sweet sap straight from the spout! 

When we got back, we got busy making maple pictures. We used books to help our imaginations and drew sap buckets, maples and sugar on snow!

We cozied up for some stories and did some yoga to wake our bodies up from their rest. So many good books about sugaring in Vermont and Canada and the different ways that people enjoy maple syrup. 

We've tapped our tree its only natural that pancakes will follow!! See you next week for pancake day! 

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